Because you have earned it

Taxes are the Enemy of your Successful Retirement

When you finally retire, at least some of your retirement nest egg should be free from taxes. The retirement income from all of the following sources will be taxed!!!

  • ​Traditional IRAs
  • ​Workplace retirement plans like 401k
  • ​Private and government pensions
  • Most Social Security payments
  • ​Annuity Income
  • ​Investment Income

You need a different source of retirement income which is TAX-FREE, and we can show you how to obtain. it. After watching the above video, please email us at with any questions you may have. Or set an appointment on the Calendly link below.

When you think about retirement, you naturally consider IRA, 401k and their workplace cousins, 403b, 457 accounts because Wall Street and your employer have deceived you into believing those are the best investment platforms for retirement. But tax-deferred plans are actually promoted to maximize the financial firm’s management fees while reducing the employer’s need to provide expensive pensions.

These dangerous plans are building a TAX TIME BOMB for your retirement that these same entities like to downplay. As tax rates are likely to rise, retirees are discovering too late that too much invested in tax-deferred plans is a very “taxing” thing. These plans may expose you to the volatility of the stock market as well!

Instead of focusing on tax-deferral until retirement, the improved goal should be on building assets that will not be taxed in retirement (i.e., untaxed retirement assets)

ZERO TAXES in Your Retirement Years Is Obtainable

Most people view life insurance as a necessary expense, they naturally want the maximum amount of death benefit possible for the lowest premium paid. Insurance sales people love this because they get paid based on the bigger size of the death benefit. However, if we do exactly the opposite, life insurance can become a great investment vehicle.

By minimizing the death benefit, we also minimize the cost of insurance and commissions paid. Now we can maximize (increase) our premiums which are mostly going into a high earning investment account that will grow and compound without taxes.

With older whole life policies, your policy received interest credits of only 3 to 5% per year. Not a great return. But, with the newer Index Universal Life (IUL) the growth rate has averaged 7 to 10% returns over the last 20 years. Due to insurance tax law, this cash value account grows and compounds at these high rates, without taxes.

You Don’t Have to Die to Access the Money You’ve Built

At any age you can borrow from this increasing cash value. Why is borrowing better than withdrawing? Because loan proceeds are TAX-FREE and because most IULs have net ZERO INTEREST loan provisions. This allows monthly policy loans for retirement cash flow and borrowing lump sums for any other purpose.

In addition to paying no interest on these loans, you never need to pay them back. When you die, the tax-free death benefit pays off all these loans before any remaining death benefit goes to your heirs.

High Investment Gains With Zero Stock Market Risk

How can an IUL provide you with high interest credits while often guaranteeing NO market losses? The key is that the insurance companies do not invest your money in stocks, they use much less volatile long-term investments. Then they credit you interest based on the performance of various financial markets of your choice according to your risk tolerance. You can conservatively limit your losses to ZERO in bad years, or aggressively accept the risk of a small loss to make even greater gains in good years.

Some crediting methods limit your losses but also cap the maximum you can earn. Other crediting methods provide for uncapped index gains while still guaranteed NO market losses.

The insurance companies invest in bonds, upscale office towers, huge apartment complexes, specialty loan portfolios, venture capital and many other advanced instruments that the average investor can’t access. Profits from these conservative investments allow an insurance company to purchase leveraged financial instruments that provide for paying higher interest credits when the indexes outperform.

Let’s point out a few features that come with an IUL:

  • ZERO taxes during the growth period and ZERO taxes in retirement
  • Early access to cash with ZERO taxes at ANY age without penalties
  • Stock market type investment returns without stocks market risks
  • Guaranteed ZERO losses even during the worst stock market declines
  • No limits on investment amounts, no income limits, no conflict with other plans
  • Tax-free inheritance (unlike IRA, 401k and Annuities)

Banks Consider IUL’s So Safe That They Will Loan You the Premiums

That’s right, under certain conditions including where the IUL is held as collateral, a bank might loan you the money to pay the premium to purchase the IUL life insurance policy. It’s called premium financing. Banks have been doing this for the wealthy financially savvy for decades! In most such situation you will be required to take a policy loan to repay the bank after a period of time … say in 10 years after the policy has grown enough to support the policy loan. Banks’ willingness to make loans to purchase IUL’s speaks volumes about the security of IUL investments.

How Would an IUL Work for Your Situation

Your age at the time your start your IUL will affect the amount of TAX-FREE income you can receive later in life. This is for two reasons. The first is the younger you are the longer you have time to save into the plan. The second is the cost of life insurance is less for younger people. The table below provides a ball park idea about what level of retirement income could be expected. It is calculated to two different monthly savings amounts, $500 and $1,000. Please contact us for an up-to-date quote for your particular situation.

If you wish to learn more about this topic and other related personal financial topics, please check out the book The Wealth Conspiracy by Curtis Hill, available on Amazon and Kindle.

A Safe TAX-FREE Retirement